Articles in Interesting Tricks
Interesting Windows tricks such as tips on how to improve your gaming performance by using little interesting codes and tweaks, varieties of keyboard shortcuts.
How to Translate Images to English with OCR Software

Ever wonder if you can translate texts in images such as Japanese comic manga to any language of your choice directly from your desktop? Well, it is now possible that you can do this all by yourself with just a few amazing tools.
What we’ll be …
Play MKV RMVB FLV MP4 in Windows Media Player Codec

With the increasing popularity of different video formats such as Rmvb, Mkv, Flv, Mp4, Flac and Xvid, numerous video players continuously appear on the market to meet the demand. Well, most people would prefer to stick to just one video player. The best one would be …
How to Speed Up Gmail

Gmail isn’t slow. If you notice a slow down while loading Gmail, it’s most probably because you have bad settings for your browsers, a slow internet connection with much slower bandwidth, or other factors from your side that cause Gmail to load slow. Here we …
How to Change Default Search Engine Internet Explorer 11/10/9

This tutorial explains how to change default search engine in Internet Explorer 11/10/9 from Bing to Google or to any other search provider of your choice (can be selected from the Windows Internet Explorer Add-ons Gallery).
In IE 11, IE 10 or IE 9, the address bar …
Download Internet Explorer Update IE 11/10/9 Windows 8/7/8.1

This post will keep you updated with the latest news, updates and downloads for Internet Explorer 11/10/9/8 in Windows 8/7/8.1/Vista/XP.
In any version of Windows, Internet Explorer would be installed by default and it’ll be the first ever web browser you would use to connect to the Internet in …
How to Add Subtitles to a Movie MP4 AVI Video in Windows Media Player

Whether if you are watching a movie video in a language that you do not know, or if you just prefer to read subtitles instead of bringing up the volume of the movie video, you can insert any piece of subtitle in any language of …
Stop/Disable Windows Update Restart Prompt Windows 8/7

Generally, after Windows Update has downloaded the required updates, it will request you to restart or reboot your computer in order to complete the updates of the important files and services that cannot be replaced while you are using them. This tutorial explains the steps …
How to Increase/Change Font Size in Google Chrome

If texts appeared to be too small on some websites that you were having hard time reading them, you can increase the font size in Google Chrome so that they can be read comfortably.
By changing the font size in Google Chrome, the changes in font size …
How to Change/Increase Font Size in Mozilla Firefox

We read on the internet everyday. It is wise to make sure that the texts we read are in a comfortable font size so we can reduce excessive use of our eyes just to read, especially when your monitor or TV is too further away …
How to Change User Profile default location in Windows 7/8 Registry

If you have Windows 7, 8 or Vista installed in your computer, the default location of your User Profile will usually be in the same partition as where your system was installed. For example, if your Windows 8/7 was installed in C:\Windows, your user profile will probably be located in C:\Users.
However, some …
How to Increase Windows Experience Index Scores Windows 8.1/7/8

This tutorial will show you a little just-for-fun trick about how to alter, change and increase your Windows Experience Index Scores without improving your hardware.
Windows Experience Index was first introduced in Windows Vista, back then the maximum score of each aspect was 5.9. When Windows 7 …
1420 Cool Alt Key Codes Symbols and Characters For Facebook, Twitter and MSN Messenger

As you can often see, many people are using cute and cool alt key codes symbols or characters as their profile names in Facebook, Twitter or MSN Messenger names. Some of them even know how to use these weird yet cool symbols and characters in the chatbox, status updates and …
How to Clean Your Laptop Fan and Screen

After using your laptop for awhile, problems may arise due to over heating. Well, how long have you been using your laptop? Is your room dusty? Does your laptop often auto restart? Have you ever check the temperature of your laptop? All these questions are directly …